Procurement of a Microsoft 365 Backup Solution



REPORT TO; Madeline Hoskin, Assistant Director, Technology


DECISION DATE: 5th September 2023


SUPPORTING ANNEX; This report includes a supporting Annex which contains exempt information as described in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




It is recommended that the Authority proceed with a direct award via CCS Framework RM6100 Technology Services 3, in order to procure a Microsoft 365 Backup Solution.


The proposed contract duration is:

·         Initial term: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2028


The estimated whole life cost is £445,101


This approach represents best value for the Authority as meets the current Microsoft 365 backup requirements of the Authority as well as provide this as a managed service at an equivalent price or less to other options.


This will allow the service to be managed and monitored outside of normal working hours.




As part of the local government merger, each former Authority had differing approaches to the backing up of Microsoft 365 data, with a range of backup solutions in place or some relying solely on Microsoft’s recovery options, as part of the merger it was agreed to adopt and implement a single 3rd party backup solution.


As part of that process, a shortlist of M365 backup solutions was evaluated, with a preferred solution recommend to the solutions review board, which was approved.





As per the Council’s Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules, Rule 11 states;


11.1 Tenders for Contracts which exceed the WTO GPA Procurement Threshold shall be invited and awarded in accordance with the PCRs and as prescribed in Rule 11 and 12.


As per Rule 16.3:


A Director does not need to invite Above Threshold Tenders in accordance with Rule 11 and 12, in the following circumstances:


A)     purchases via Framework Agreements which have been established either by the Council or by other public sector bodies or consortia (including, but not limited to PSBO’s) and where such Framework Agreements are lawfully accessible to the Council. Contracts awarded from such Framework Agreements shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions of that Framework Agreement. 


The contract will be awarded via CCS Framework RM6100 Technology Services 3. This is a compliant route to market and complies with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


OJEU Notices: Services - 514766-2020 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily (





It is recommended that the Authority proceed with a direct award via CCS Framework RM6100 Technology Services 3, in order to procure a Microsoft 365 Backup Solution.


The proposed contract duration is:

·         Initial term: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2028


The estimated whole life cost is £445,101


This approach represents best value for the Authority as meets the current Microsoft 365 backup requirements of the Authority as well as provide this as a managed service at an equivalent price or less to other options.


This will allow the service to be managed and monitored outside of normal working hours.